Respite Care

Respite Care

A program of Fostering Success is to provide foster families rest through respite services. The space can provide Fostering Success volunteers to serve as caregivers who take care of foster placements on a temporary basis as a service to active foster families.

The reality is that Oklahoma has over 9,500 children in foster care. Nearly half of all new foster families quit fostering within their first year due to lack of support, burn out and other factors according to The Impact and The Coalition. Foster family retention is crisis in our state. Improving access to trustworthy respite care can help Washington County foster families continue their work loving children in their foster homes.

Why respite care?
Respite care, which provides caregivers with the opportunity for a temporary rest from their caregiving duties, is designed to do just that. Respite care provides short-term breaks for foster parents that can relieve their stress, renew their energy and restore a sense of balance to their lives.

For the children in foster care, the short break away to a new and stimulating environment can be hugely beneficial. Respite care for children provides a change of scene and new experiences that are incredibly important for a child or young person's health and wellbeing.